Thursday, December 19, 2019

Freedom the privilege for women to be just as capable as...

Freedom: the privilege for women to be just as capable as men. In 1848, the first women’s convention took place in New York, there was continues discussing about the rights that women had. For example, a popular topic was applying for a job. Most men thought that women weren’t capable of working in an office; they thought that women should stay home, look after the children, while cleaning the house. Little did men know how inconsiderate they were being, how successful women have been throughout time and how much of an impact they have made to the world. Women proved men that they can achieve anything in life if they work hard for it. A campaign for women was formed before the Civil War began; they tried forming an alliance to strike†¦show more content†¦Many thought they were wasting their time, years and years passed and they still weren’t going anywhere. In 1857, women were finally allowed to divorce husbands who were treating them unfairly. For example some women were forced to stay with their husbands, government didn’t think they had the right to leave their husbands unless the husbands themselves agreed to. In the 1870’s they were allowed to keep hold of the money they obtained, and 7 years later they weren’t forced to live with spouse they didn’t want to. In the 1900’s the employment of women increased dramatically, there most popular employment was domestic servants then teachers. Women should have the right to vote because the laws that are voted for are affected for both g enders. If there were any laws that would affect children, women would have a better understanding of the situation better than men. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 also helped women by being against discrimination with the payment they received, it was a success for women. President John F. Kennedy signed the act boosted women’s enthusiasm for their goal. In March, every year there is a women’s history month. 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