Friday, December 27, 2019

Retail Information System - 5005 Words

Chapter 12 Retail Information Systems Retail Information Systems WHAT YOU W ILL LEARN  § What system modules and functions you should look for in purchasing a new retail system. Names, phone numbers and web site addresses for some of the best Canadian distributors of retail system software. What you can expect to pay for a state-of-the-art retail information system. How to perform â€Å"reference checks† when evaluating a retail system you are considering. Why leasing computer software and equipment makes sense. How to calculate the â€Å"Return on Investment† when considering a system upgrade.  §  §  §  §  § It has been said that not having a good, reliable retail information The computer is an invaluable tool in processing†¦show more content†¦Purchase Order Module This critical area should be examined closely to ensure it handles all of the specific functions for your type of store. If they are relevant to your operation, check to see if it has the following: †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Size colour matrix. Landed cost calculations. Back order tracking. Staggered shipping dates. Pre-distribution capabilities. Sale pricing. 3 Chapter 12 Retail Information Systems As well, see how â€Å"user friendly† your potential system is by entering a purchase order and receiving merchandise against it. à ¼ Tip Interfacing capabilities with a third party report writer gives you more flexibility in seeing the data you want in the format you require. Merchandising and Inventory Management Merchandising and inventory management are a series of printed and on-screen reports that provide the tools to make timely decisions. Most syst ems come with plenty of â€Å"canned† reports. The challenge is to find â€Å"summary† reports that offer management top-level information, highlighting both problem and opportunity areas. Once an area is identified, drill-down capabilities will allow you to generate additional detailed reports with the specific information necessary to act. For example, a high level report on store sales and gross margins by department will usually prompt further questions such as â€Å"Why is the margin at this store so low? What are theShow MoreRelatedBusiness Information Systems Of The Drugstore Retail Industry1410 Words   |  6 PagesThe Drugstore retail industry is a $31.4 Billion industry across Canada and continues to grow steadily (Industry Canada, 2015). There are many competitors in the drugstore retail market in Canada both small and large. With the entrance of large American companies such as Walmart and even their very own parent company Loblaw’s, Shoppers has been forced to be at the top of their game to stay ahead in the drug retail market. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Freedom the privilege for women to be just as capable as...

Freedom: the privilege for women to be just as capable as men. In 1848, the first women’s convention took place in New York, there was continues discussing about the rights that women had. For example, a popular topic was applying for a job. Most men thought that women weren’t capable of working in an office; they thought that women should stay home, look after the children, while cleaning the house. Little did men know how inconsiderate they were being, how successful women have been throughout time and how much of an impact they have made to the world. Women proved men that they can achieve anything in life if they work hard for it. A campaign for women was formed before the Civil War began; they tried forming an alliance to strike†¦show more content†¦Many thought they were wasting their time, years and years passed and they still weren’t going anywhere. In 1857, women were finally allowed to divorce husbands who were treating them unfairly. For example some women were forced to stay with their husbands, government didn’t think they had the right to leave their husbands unless the husbands themselves agreed to. In the 1870’s they were allowed to keep hold of the money they obtained, and 7 years later they weren’t forced to live with spouse they didn’t want to. In the 1900’s the employment of women increased dramatically, there most popular employment was domestic servants then teachers. Women should have the right to vote because the laws that are voted for are affected for both g enders. If there were any laws that would affect children, women would have a better understanding of the situation better than men. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 also helped women by being against discrimination with the payment they received, it was a success for women. President John F. Kennedy signed the act boosted women’s enthusiasm for their goal. In March, every year there is a women’s history month. It signifies all the events and honors women who never gave up, no matter how many people told them they weren’t good enough. It was an incredible idea to congratulate women in history and now for standing up for themselves. Women’s suffrage was women’s rights to vote, back in the mid 19th century a male wasShow MoreRelatedWomens Suffrage in the 1800’s-19th Century Essay1190 Words   |  5 Pages Women, like black slaves, were treated unequally from the male before the nineteenth century. The role of the women played the part of their description, physically and emotionally weak, which during this time period all women did was took care of their household and husband, and followed their orders. Women were classified as the â€Å"weaker sex† or below the standards of men in the early part of the century. Soon after the decades unfolded, women gradually surfaced to breathe the airRead MoreWomens Liberation in the 1920s Essay example1652 Words   |  7 Pagesopportunity. It is a place of rebirth, hope, and freedom. However, it was not always like that for women. Many times in history women were oppressed, belittled, and deprived of the opportunity to learn and work in their desired profession. Instead, their life was confined to the home and family. While this was a noble role, many females felt that they were being restricted and therefore desired more independence. In America, women started to break the mold in 1848 and continued to push for social, politicalRead MoreWomen s Suffrage During The N ineteenth Century1932 Words   |  8 Pagesslavery. The debate was resolved—albeit temporarily—by the Compromise of 1850. All the while, women in the United States were also pushing for equality. Although women did not receive the right to vote until the Nineteenth Amendment was passed in 1920, the women s suffrage movement picked up measurable gains during the time around 1850. Most notably there is the first women’s rights convention, held in 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York. This event was spearheaded by famous American suffragist ElizabethRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesHartman Strom, Political Woman: Florence Luscomb and the Legacy of Radical Reform Michael Adas, ed., Agricultural and Pastoral Societies in Ancient and Classical History Jack Metzgar, Striking Steel: Solidarity Remembered Janis Appier, Policing Women: The Sexual Politics of Law Enforcement and the LAPD Allen Hunter, ed., Rethinking the Cold War Eric Foner, ed., The New American History. 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Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesAn Overview 23 †¢ Inputs 24 †¢ Processes 25 †¢ Outcomes 25 Summary and Implications for Managers 30 S A L Self-Assessment Library How Much Do I Know About Organizational Behavior? 4 Myth or Science? â€Å"Most Acts of Workplace Bullying Are Men Attacking Women† 12 An Ethical Choice Can You Learn from Failure? 24 glOBalization! 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder The Light at the End of the Tunnel free essay sample

This paper discusses research on anxiety and panic disorders combining personal experience and statistics, causes, descriptions, and treatments of the disorders. The author begins the paper with an account of a panic attack he suffered. He then goes into the definition of panic disorder and the similar disorder anxiety disorder. He lists the symptoms, treatment, and general statistics of the two disorders. Paper includes pie graph with explanation of the statistics. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, Panic Disorder is characterized by unexpected and repeated episodes of intense fear accompanied by physical symptoms that may include chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness or abdominal distress (Facts). The first panic attack is usually the worst, especially if it is accompanied by severe physical symptoms. It is very similar to a heart attack, and since a persons mind goes into complete induced chaos and fear during such an attack people tend to think the worst, that the end is coming. We will write a custom essay sample on Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder: The Light at the End of the Tunnel or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Panic Disorder is a kind of severe anxiety disorder.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Macbeth Paper Essays - Characters In Macbeth, English-language Films

Macbeth Paper ?Jump the Life to Come? Introduction In the play ?Macbeth?, Shakespeare portrays Macbeth as the normal man ? at first. Through his skills as a warrior, his friendship with Banquo and his loyalty to Duncan, Macbeth attempts to be the everyday man. As the play develops, however, Macbeth becomes over ambitious and power hungry. Like the book A Simple Plan, where people become so involved in their own greed and self-prosper that they kill people they love, Macbeth gains power through extreme desire and corruption. Macbeth does not set out to possess these characteristics. His ?simple plan? for life is to be a normal man, according to society, characterized by power, class, bravery, and pride. The plan goes astray as his greed and immorality destroy his pursuit of normalcy. Shakespeare clearly establishes that as Macbeth becomes immersed in his social goals, he becomes inhuman. I. Macbeth's normalcy Although Macbeth does not appear in the first two scenes of the play, other characters talk about him in very descriptive terms. Macbeth is seen as a very brave and extremely valiant warrior: ?For brave Macbeth ? well he deserves that name ? Disdaining Fortune, with his brandished steel Which smoked with bloody execution, Like Valour's minion carved out his passage Till he faced the slave, Which ne'er shook hands, nor bade fare well to him, till he unseamed him from the nave to th' chaps and fixed his head upon out battlements? (1.2. 16-23). This captain talks about Macbeth as though he were a god. Macbeth begins as an intrepid character who is feared by his enemies and admired by his friends. This shows that society values bravery and audacity. Macbeth starts as a great warrior and a loyal servant to Duncan. Macbeth has served under Duncan for many years as Thane of Glamis. When Duncan becomes too old to fight, Macbeth takes his place in the front line. He leads Duncan's army into many battles and fights courageously for his side. Unlike the Thane of Cawdor, who betrayed Duncan in battle, Macbeth remains loyal no matter what the situation. Duncan is very proud to have Macbeth fighting for his side, ?What he hath lost, noble Macbeth hath won? (1.2. 67). Banquo, a soldier for Duncan, is a good friend of Macbeth. Banquo and Macbeth fight in many wars together, supporting each other in battle. Macbeth does not desert Banquo in the battlefields, nor does Banquo turn his back on Macbeth and switch sides. They have a strong relationship as warriors and friends. Shakespeare, at the beginning of the play, carefully portrays Macbeth as a man of great stature with the capacity to be good, with ?milk of human kindness? (1.5. 15). Through Macbeth's goodness, he is natural and similar to other men. Shakespeare depicts Macbeth as linked to humanity, his fellow men, and to God. As these connections to humanity and God are destroyed, Macbeth loses his conscience, his sense of compassion, and his desire to live. II. Normalcy becomes evil As Macbeth loses his tie to humanity and God, he chooses what he perceives to be good, kingship and power. Eventually, however, these lead to corruption. Macbeth turns his back on a neatly ordered and harmonious universe and rebels against the order of nature. Through love of self, Macbeth voluntarily chooses evil. He ultimately loses his wife, his kingdom and, finally, his life. Macbeth says, ?Jump the life to come? (1.7. 7). He is saying that he is no longer satisfied with his life and wants to leave everything behind and move on. Early in the play, Macbeth meets the three witches, his first encounter with the supernatural. They prophesize that he will become the Thane of Cawdor and then King of Scotland. Macbeth sees his future unfolding and becomes anxious to fulfill his goals. The scene with the witches foreshadows Macbeth's successes and eventually his troubles. Macbeth realizes that he is next in line to replace Duncan as king. Macbeth does not want to wait until Duncan dies a natural death; instead he begins to think of murder. Greed overcomes Macbeth; he now considers a course of action that he would not have taken before. Although Macbeth is thinking of murder, he is not certain he wants to carry out such a plan.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan free essay sample

This book critically evaluates this dust ball and does not ignore the economic and physical effects while still touching one lives lost and lives of the survivors. In reference to The Worst Hard Time, the Dust Bowl hit a widen plain ranging from Oklahoma panhandles and Texas, extending to the southeastern Colorado and western bit of Kansas to borders of Nebraska. The Oklahoma panhandle was referred to as â€Å"no mans land†. Egan writes that, â€Å"Anybody who lived in No Mans Land for long knew about natures capricious power†¦. It was abusive, a beater, a snarling son of a bitch, and then it would forgive and give something back† (Egan 76). The white settles found the native Americans living a nomadic way of life and came along with alternative land use. The white settler drove out the Native Americans who were nomads and later drove out the others from their homestead and began to grow crops by clearing the prairie grasses The clearing of the prairie grass was the beginning of what would be a national disaster. We will write a custom essay sample on The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Initially the farmers earned great prices catalyzed by the high demand from the WWI. This high demand led to more acres of the great plains being cleared as more settlers flocked in to make quick money, it is this demand that resulted to inventions of tractor. 929, October marked the black Friday as the American economy began to collapse. Considering that 25% of the Americans worked in the farms, this would be a disaster since these farmers would half less purchasing power as the supply exceeded the demand ion the market. In 1930 summer, a boom wheat harvest was realized but the market prices were 50% below the production prices. The ecological disaster occurred as the economy could not manage the clearing of the Prairie grass. Though there were economic activities, rain was cyclic and drought was common, hence the area was referred to as Great American Desert. In 1930, there was uncommon long drought that did not clear all the vegetation, but it was catalyzed by human activity. According to Egan, tractors did what had never occurred in the entire history of the southern plains. He notes, â€Å"They had removed the native prairie grass, a web of perennial species evolved over twenty thousand years or more, so completely that by the end of 1931 it was a different land† (ibid 101). an academic research revealed that study by 13 million acres of cultivated land were extremely eroded prior to the drought calcifying the soil, however the biggest cause of the Dust Blow was farmers negligence. It is concluded that the drought added more injury to the already eroded soil in which the prairie grass was acting as the plain’s refinement. It is the prairie that held the soil together against the strong wind hailstorm, drought. Meanwhile the prairie able to overcome the adversity when the millions of acres of land were left uncovered, they blew up to the sky. The worst Dust Blow occurred on 1935, April 14; however, the numerous Dust Blows had devastating effects. Men could not shake hands due to the high voltage of static electricity while all metallic gadgets were shielded with cloth to avoid shock. Inhaling dust was inevitable for animals and human yet the dust was accompanied with silica from prairie, which is lethal as it accumulates and causes silicosis. Egan notes â€Å"But it takes years to build up. In the High Plains, doctors were seeing a condition similar to silicosis after just three years of storms. By the mid-1930s, a fourth condition, dust pneumonia, was rampant. It was one of the biggest killers† (ibid 173). The years of Dust Blow devastated the towns and families economically, emotionally and physically. There was vast internal migration. In 1936, a Nebraska farmer noted, â€Å"July saw the worst month (so far) of the worst year ever† (ibid 247). It is inevitable to note that the Dust Bowl caused deaths to both the animals and the human beings. The farmers could not farm and lived on what they had saved and when their stock was exhausted, some had to eat tumbleweeds. Eventually, the all present dust slowed the economic growth of US. The US government authorized a study and on August 1938, the Great Plains Drought Area Committee report was issued to the government. The report clearly stated that the Dust Bowls were not driven by climatic change but laid blame on the federal government. Since the government â€Å"kept land allotments low and required that a portion of each should be plowed, is now seen to have caused immeasurable harm, limiting an individual holding to 160 acres, was on the western plains almost an obligatory act of poverty†(ibid 268). The then president, Roosevelt, established several bodies to ensure conservation of soil and crops through adoption of several policies. The policies formulated and implemented guaranteed soil conservation and created jobs for the citizens in the hit areas. The soil erosion prevention strategies that included planting of windbreaks and the shelterbelts played a key role in restoring the present day prairie. Roosevelt also put in place policies such as subsidies to farmers and paying farmers in order to practice good agricultural practices. The Dust Bowl produced positive economical and political effects and the residual restoration of the Prairies. In general the polices adopted to control the Dust Bowl were the best at the time taking into consideration that the government was faced with multi-facet challenges. The economy was collapsing; there was no farm production while many people were jobless. Faced with these challenges, Roosevelt’s government adopted the best policies that remain in historical records for the US generations. The Dust Bowl should be used as a reference in the US history since its impacts touched all sectors of the economy. The US and the other economies should clearly monitor the man’s activities to avoid such a catastrophe. The economic impact of the was great since agricultural productions stopped temporarily and food shortage and joblessness become an issue. The lives lost during the catastrophe should be a reference point to all the global citizens that they need to be cautious while at the same time controlling global warming. It is not a doubt that Egan is an accurate historian since his work has accurate date citations and properly referenced. More so, Egan’s ability to write an historical event which shall be used by the future generations.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Tensions of Susan Moller Okin’s Essay Essays

The Tensions of Susan Moller Okin’s Essay Essays The Tensions of Susan Moller Okin’s Essay Essay The Tensions of Susan Moller Okin’s Essay Essay Susan Moller Okin’s â€Å"Feminism and Multiculturalism: Some Tensions† is a well-argued paper that explores the â€Å"tensions† between feminism and multiculturalism (particularly the â€Å"group-rights† variety) from a consistent liberal perspective. The author writes as a liberal and as a feminist in putting forth a critique of the ways in which multiculturalism – as it was, and still is, being advocated by various activists and academics – poses real dangers to the rights and interests of girls and women that belong to minority groups. The way she does this is admirable: In a manner that is clear and with not-so-well-known examples, she shows how most of the major cultures of the world puts a premium on â€Å"maintaining control of women† and how the advancement of the rights and interests of women conflict and clash with particular practices within the cultures of minority groups. She is admirable in standing firm with the feminist insight that â€Å"more often than not, sex discrimination is far less overt. In many cultures, strict control of women is enforced in the private sphere by the authority of either actual or symbolic fathers, often acting through, or with the complicity of, the older women of the culture. † This, I think, is her central argument in making the case that there are â€Å"tensions,† if not contradictions, between feminism and multiculturalism. Despite my respect for Okin’s arguments and mode of argumentation, I also have a few critical remarks: (1) For a couple of times in the essay, Okin referred to â€Å"more patriarchal minority cultures exist[ing] in the context of less patriarchal majority cultures. † This, I think, is one of the great assumptions of her essay – the situation that is implied to be the context of her thinking and writing. The question therefore arises: Is she talking about North America and Europe? I wish that Okin made this assumption an argument, changed it from being implicit to being explicit. This would have made her case stronger, or at least clearer, and not prone to charges of Eurocentrism in this context, or the assumption that states in North America and Europe are liberal ones that are good or even better for girls and women to grow up in. Not that I disagree with this belief completely, but I believe that this must be shown rather than merely assumed. Had Okin made this explicit, perhaps she would have posed and addressed related issues such as the degree of â€Å"liberalism† or â€Å"feminism† of these states with regard to girls and women, especially when compared with cultures of â€Å"minority groups. † (2) I also hoped that Okin presented what advocates of â€Å"group rights† are fighting for, or what they themselves say they are fighting for. I think that she will agree that these advocates are not fighting for group rights for the sole purpose of controlling or oppressing women. By not presenting the objectives of these advocates, however, we are left with the impression – one-sided, surely – that the enforcement of these group rights by the state will only lead to the tighter control and greater oppression of women. Had she presented the objectives of these advocates, we readers will probably be given the chance to weigh these against the dangers that she had posed. It is not that the rights of minority groups should take precedence over the rights and interests of girls and women within these groups. But the fact that these objectives can constitute real gains for populations of minority groups, and not just attacks on the rights and interests of girls and women suggests that the struggle for the rights and interests of women on the one hand, and of the minority group on the other, could be seen as complementing each other, part of a struggle to expand freedoms of various peoples. (3) I wish to make a few comments regarding various points of Okin’s paper. (a) Okin defends feminists (needless to say, from one culture) who criticize anti-women practices in other cultures. I agree with her on this score. Such a view, however, should be balanced by the view that real change happens only when its constituents fight for it. I agree that we can pass judgment on the tyranny of Saddam Husein but I do not agree that this gives us license to attack Iraq. Real change in Iraq should come from its people, not from other countries. (b) I have the feeling that control and oppression of women in the family sphere is too systemic a problem for it to used as a yardstick for measuring gains that group rights can actually bring a minority population. (c) One more thing that’s sorely missing in Okin’s essay is an appreciation of how changes in history take place. I think that piecemeal reforms for oppressed people are important and can lead to bigger things. What she does, from one perspective, is to pit piecemeal reforms against systemic changes – which is not, I think, how changes in history take place.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Restoration Of Ecology Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Restoration Of Ecology - Term Paper Example Removal of invasive species from the wood is significant in making sure that the growth of certain wood species is affected by the invasive species. From the presentation, it was learned that invasive species are those that are not native to a given ecosystem but are those that are likely to cause economic, socio-cultural and environmental harm to human health. It was brought out that the species are brought about as a result of movement of products and people around the world. The species are likely to be introduced to new environments from food, wood and wood products and household goods. The invasive species that have been challenging to management are those introduced to ecosystems to provide economic, environmental and social benefits. The problem has become a serious concern for the environment since most of the trees that are used in agroforestry, desert control, and commercial forestry is mainly alien and not the species of the particular area. In research, it is vital to ens ure that the species that are imported serve the purposes that are intended in the area they are introduced and was implemented so that they do not cause negative effects to the ecosystem as it was observed at Riverwood Conservancy, Mississauga. There are still many debates on impacts that are caused by the invasive species, positively and negativelyÃ'Ž In the context of management of forests, the management explained that initiatives have been implemented with most focusing on the damages that are caused.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Financial modeling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Financial modeling - Essay Example But this is not to say that financial modeling cannot be performed manually.There are various financial models that a company can use in evaluating its investment projects. The only challenge for the company is to identify the model that will provide the most accurate information that can help the company make the right decision.With the advent of technology and computer, many models nowadays are calculated and evaluated using computer software which makes the whole process easy and faster. It is a fact that in a competitive world, companies should be able to make fast, timely and accurate investment decisions. But this is not to say that financial modeling cannot be performed manually.There are various financial models that a company can use in evaluating its investment projects. The only challenge for the company is to identify the model that will provide the most accurate information that can help the company make the right decision.Some of there models include Value- at- risk mod els, Interest rate models, Equity pricing models, Asset allocation models, Trading models, Investment portfolio models that can be used on equity or derivatives, Business simulation models that include Monte Carlo simulation and binary free and genetic algorithms used in optimization decisions.This is a model of calculating the probability of a collection of investment securities generating returns more than the anticipated. It is a model of analyzing past market performance, security correlation and the security movements. A basic value-at-risk model involves all types of market uncertainties e.g. interest, stock, goods and currency risks. It enables the determination of an estimate on the value of portfolio risk (maximum loss) based on the past performance of the portfolio at a given rate of certainty. The various models under the value-at-risk include the variance-covariance method, historical simulation and Monte Carlo simulation models. Variance-covariance It uses past values of security movements and relationship to determine the estimate of the future loses that could occur. Security movements and security relationship risk is calculated for a given period of time. Historical simulation models It generates a lot of results of the security value. It uses security risk and their associated probabilities to generate these results which are used to estimate the value of VaR. Interest rate models Some of the most commonly used interest rate financial models are the Black-Derman-Toy (BDT) model, Black -Karainsky (BK) model, Heath- Jarrow-Morton (HJM) model and the White-Hull model, Black-Derman-Toy Interest Rate Model It is mainly used for determining the value of derivatives by considering a preliminary zero rate term structure and the movement of the yield by constructing a tree explaining the interest rates. This model can also be a single-factor or multi-factor. The Heath-Jarrow-Morton model It uses statistical data and processes to derive the value of the derivatives by considering preliminary zero rate term structure and the up and down movement of future rates. Hull-white model It is a single factor that uses the preliminary term structure of interest rates with the up and down movement term structure to construct a trinomial free of short rates. Equity pricing models One of the widely used equity pricing model is the Capital Assets Pricing Model developed by William Sharpe and John Litner. It works on the premise that the return of a given security is affected by the risk called systematic. This risk is measured using beta () and it cannot be diversified away by holding a portfolio of securities. This model evolved from the portfolio theory which did not

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Answering Questions Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 12

Answering Questions - Research Paper Example Hogan is incredibly light in her touch in connecting these ideas, relying on the inbuilt notions of her reader more than her own prowess. Answer: Hogan’s tone is incredibly personal, and she tries to bring out the magic of her subjects to give a sense of wonder to her reader. She starts out by being incredibly personal, telling about her own life, which helps build a report and avoids any stilted formality. She then moves on, however, to connect her life to the wonders of the cosmos in the form of the voyager space craft, expanding her vocabulary and putting herself in the context of the wider universe. She thus minimizes both herself and her reader, asking them to see themselves in the context of the wonder of the universe. Answer: I think that it is a natural human impulse to put our best foot forward, and in that way we were somewhat honest to ourselves in leaving some things out. We sent this to be a craft that was supposed to demonstrate who humans want to be, the best of our capabilities, not the worst. To answer this question, ask yourself if it would be wise to tell a stranger the best and worst things about you all at once when you first meet them. In any society on the planet Earth, the answer would be a definitive no. We were being honest to who we are: people who want the universe to think well of us. Finally, putting the bad in with the good might codify the bad: make the bad okay, normal, who we

Friday, November 15, 2019

Applying Gis To Coastal Erosion And Hazards Environmental Sciences Essay

Applying Gis To Coastal Erosion And Hazards Environmental Sciences Essay The coast is the area where marine and terrestrial processes meet and interact. Limits of their respective actions are not well known, as processes which are characteristic of each of these environments are interrelated. This particular characteristic makes the coastal zone highly complex and vulnerable to human actions, which in many cases, cause permanent damage to the natural environment. Coastal Erosion has turned out to be one of the most crucial socio-economic and environmental problems facing authorities in charge of coastal hazard management. Irrespective of the major causes of this hazard, which could be human or anthropogenic, it has caused economic losses, social problems and ecological damage. The problem of coastal erosion can extend hundreds of kilometres along the shore line or it might be localized to small areas affecting surrounding communities or the tourism industry. Coastal Erosion has been defined as a natural process by which coastlines adjust to different sea levels, energy levels, sediment supply and existing topography. It poses a problem when it threatens to destroy human life and property. In identifying the problems of erosion, human value judgements come in as erosion does have many societal and natural benefits. Coastal Erosion is usually judged as problematic wherever the rate of erosion, considered in conjunction with economic, recreational, agricultural, demographic, ecological and other relevant factors, indicates that action to remedy erosion hazard may be justified and required. The coast is used for several purposes and based on this fact, it is important to devise ways of attaining compatibility among these various uses while at the same time attempting to preserve the natural environment. Faced with the threat of climate change and possible sea level rises, it is necessary to put in place elaborate coastal management scenarios that will consider all elements for planning and sustainable development. Many recent studies done on Coastal Erosion have approached the problem within an integrated framework. This integrated approach takes into consideration the need for deep knowledge of the physical environment and the relationships between processes of involved elements and acceptable coastal management plans. These physical factors are also conditioned by legal, environmental and social factors (Barragan, 2003). The frequency of occurrence of coastal erosion is expected to rise and has become an issue of great concern to scientists and authorities in charge. Broad scale modelling of coastal morphology has been a major challenge for scientists and authorities alike. Several studies have been carried out in order to address this issue and its determinants (Townsend and Burgess, 2004; Burgess et all, 2002). More detailed analyses of risks and responses in coastal hazard management are affected by little knowledge of the magnitude and location of erosion hazard zones for different shoreline changes and management situations. GIS AND COASTAL HAZARD MANAGEMENT The coast is unique because of several marine and terrestrial processes that occur there. As result of this, there is need for integration of data relating to different aspects and factors of the coastal environment in policy development and planning. GIS provides the right platform for data collection, analyses, and storage and information dissemination. It has the ability to display spatial and temporal evolution of processes and factors that control them in order to analyse them better and evaluate their impact on the coastal environment (Hamada, 2004). It also able to identify spatial connections between different data layers leading to the development of models for geomorphologic evolution and coastal change prediction. Several studies using GIS applications and methodologies in coastal hazard management have been carried out in several parts of the world. These studies have lead to the development of GIS applications or models and a few of these include: BALTICSEAWEB (Latinen and Neuvonen, 2001) Oceanic Bigeographic Information Systems (OBIS) (Zhang and Grassel, 2002). Coastal Erosion and Shoreline Development Regulation (Miller et all, 2003). SCAPEGIS (Walkden and Hall, 2005). Dune Hazard Assessment Tool (NOAA Coastal Services Centre, 2003) These applications have been developed for specific coastal areas as each area requires its own peculiar management strategies and therefore its own GIS application for planning and policy development. Recent studies in this area have advocated an integrated approach (ICZM) which promotes sustainable development of coastal areas by blending the use of natural resources in ways that limit damage to the environment. In using this approach GIS is useful as it aids data integration, storage, analyses and visualisation. GIS AS A TOOL FOR COASTAL HAZARD MANAGEMENT For the application of GIS to coastal hazard management to be carried out, there is need for data required for the different task to be available and accessible. The data requirements for this include slope, lithology, vegetation, drainage, structural conditions, coastal erosion and human action etc. In the coastal environment GIS is being increasingly used as a tool for collection, integration of required information and storage in a database with a view to accessing data, generating thematic maps and performing spatial and geo statistical analyses (Latinen and Neuvonen, 2001). During the process, relevant information is sourced and collected, compiled into a geo database, converted into relevant units and introduced into the GIS platform. This is useful in the integration and analysis of parameters used in coastal vulnerability assessments resulting in coastal risk maps (Doukakis, 2005). This is advantageous because it provides a flexible system. Data can be accessed and used through the database model system. It also allows data automation, visualisation, editing, mapping, spatial analyses, geo statistical analyses etc. The flexibility and versatility allows GIS to be used in many planning tasks in different situations for example in the area of maps, aerial photographs, statistics, tables and graphs that give details of the environmental conditions and their spatial distributions can be displayed. Fig 1. An example of a cartographic information prepared using GIS for coastal Management. Maps, aerial photos, tables and graphs that show spatial distribution of environmental conditions are displayed for visualisation. (Rodriguez et all, 2009) APPLICATION OF GIS TO COASTAL EROSION ESTIMATION GIS has been useful in studies of prediction and estimation of coastal erosion. The datasets required for this include topographic data, bathymetric data, recession rate data, historical maps and time series data as they describe the vulnerable state of the coastal environment and coastal erosion. Some of the applications of GIS include: GIS allows comparison between cartographic or map information that has been geo-referenced and this is very important for coastal change analyses. GIS allows collection of data showing temporal trends of shoreline positions for different dates. Such data can be derived from sources like satellite imageries, aerial photographs and cartography digitization. GIS allows integration of data from all these sources. GIS allows shoreline positions corresponding to different year to be overlaid with a view to aiding the identification of areas that have experienced movements or changes. GIS aids the calculation of erosion and accretion rates. It does this by calculating line lengths and perimeter of polygons. GIS allows detailed analyses of evolutionary trends. It aids the definition of the system and prediction of likely occurrence allowing change anticipation and hazard preparedness. GIS is advantageous because new data can be integrated and constant and dynamic follow up of coastal processes can be carried out. This allows continued development of models that can be useful in studying other aspects of the coastal environment (Sanchez et all, 2005). GIS has also been used in dune evolution studies and it has been highly useful in the area the data requirements are wind transport data, swell, sediments, wind speed, topography, soil humidity, bathymetry etc are required. These datasets are needed for the determination of dune field evolution and aeolian transport rates. This in turn enables the characterisation of the sedimentology, geomorphology and meteorology of coastal zones. Some other studies have made use of GIS as a tool for analyses and interpretation of coastal erosion model outputs. Making use of GIS to visualise predictions of coastal erosion provides a vital means of understanding coastal changes and their impacts locally and regionally (Brown et all, 2004). The intended target audience here are policymakers and planners interested in visualising erosion predictions and to carry out analyses of their implications so that proper mitigation measures can be set up by integrating other data sets for impact estimation and decision support. This basically involves the use models developed specifically for coastal erosion and one of such has been (SCAPEGIS) which is a process based model that determines the reshaping and retreat of shore profiles along the coast (Walkden and Hall, 2005; Dickson et all, 2005).It was developed from soft cliff and platform erosion model. These models provide the input for SCAPEGIS. It has been used in integrated assessments of coastal erosion and flood risk for strategic planning of responses to flood and erosion hazards. The SCAPE model was run for different climatic and management scenarios and the results were integrated into SCAPEGIS with other auxiliary data for detailed visualisation and impact analyses. The advantage of this GIS platform is that it allows importation of other erosion models developed with similar data output format. Fig. 2. The Impacts Estimation dialog of SCAPEGIS. Source: (Koukalas et all, 2005) Fig 3. An example of an Erosion Risk Map showing recession lines under certain climatic scenarios and management. The land after the yellow line towards the sea is assumed lost while the land between the yellow and blue lines is at risk. (Koukalas et al, 2005) The constant rise in the degradation of coastal environments has led to the need to develop techniques of balancing the protection of people and the economy against the cost of coastal hazards. As a result of this, a multidisciplinary approach to coastal management has been proposed (Nicholls et all, 2007). Coastal environments have become more vulnerable to the effects of climate change and rising sea levels. They also have high social, economic and biological value. In order put all this factors into consideration, the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Framework was proposed with a view to integrating all this factors while at the same time preserving the natural environment. Methodologies for the application of GIS within this framework have been developed by several institutions like UNESCO, European Union and several working groups (Olsen et all, 2003; IPCC, 2007) to mention a few. Within this framework, GIS is useful because of its ability to collect, integrate and analyse the different data requirements within an integrated framework. It has been used for coastal dune system research projects and shoreline evolution studies (Hernandez et all 2007; Ojeda et all, 2005). GIS aids the integration of required data like dune perimeter, shore line position so that spatial analyses of these data layers can be carried out and some of its application in this regard include: GIS aids integration, organisation and structuring of required data sets. GIS aids the development f Digital Elevation Models needed for the estimation of dune volume, volumetric evolution and dune migration. GIS allows for determination of dune morphology, dune slope and orientation. GIS allows for creation of possible dune predictions depending on sea level rise and waves. 3D GIS has proved to be very useful for this task (Sanchez et all, 2005) The advantage offered by SCAPEGIS tools is made evident in the analyses of coastal erosion model results. It has been proposed that these models be linked with other models of environmental studies like land use models for better appreciation of coastal hazard management (Hall et all, 2005). CONCLUSION In coastal erosion and hazard management, modelling spatial and temporal dimensions of dynamics of the coastal environment have proven to be some of the most challenging tasks in marine and costal GIS. The shift from the regular line and polygon data structure to digital shoreline is as a result of the need to develop technology for shoreline change detection and spatial modelling. GIS is being increasingly used in the development of policy and planning in coastal erosion and hazard management. This is due to the fact that in management policy implementation there is need for a tool able to store, analyse and display spatial and temporal data. GIS provides an appropriate platform for this. It provides a suitable instrument for integration of territorial data, makes variable analyses easier, allows for future scene simulations and allows potentially hazardous area to be identified. GIS is also use for evolutionary trend analyses and system characterisation which are important in the management of the coastal environment. However, models used are not always accurate as there are errors and uncertainties and as such these uncertainties should be systematically looked into when the results are being analysed for planning and policy development. There is also the problem data availability and accessibility. Data required may not always be available or accessible. In the developed world, access to such data is more reliable and available. In other parts of the world, required data can be unavailable and where they are, may be inaccurate.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Kurt Vonnegut and City News Bureau

1. In what year was Vonnegut born? Vonnegut was born in 1922. 2. What two colleges did he attend? He attended Cornell University. The army sent him to the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University) and the University of Tennessee to study mechanical engineering. 3. Although Vonnegut trained as a chemist, what did he work as? He worked as a teacher at the University of Iowa Writers' Workshop. 4. What was his job at the City News Bureau of Chicago? He was the corresponding judicial at the City News Bureau of Chicago. 5. Which of his books, based on his experiences as a prisoner of war during War World II in Germany, made him a millionaire? Slaughterhouse-Five, a post-modern anti-war science fiction novel dealing with a soldier's (Billy Pilgrim). Also experiences during World War II and his journeys with time travel. 6. In what genre did Vonnegut most often write? Vonnegut's experience as a soldier and prisoner of war had a profound influence on his work, as you can see in most of his books. Part 2: 1. How are George and Hazel Bergeron described? What sort of life do they lead? There's no physical description, it's just said that â€Å"Hazel has a perfectly average intelligence, which meant she can't think about anything except in short bursts†. And George is said to have an intelligence way above normal, but he has a little mental handicap radio in his ear. â€Å"He is required by law to wear it at all times. It's tuned to a government transmitter. Every twenty seconds or so, the transmitter will send out some sharp noise to keep people like George from taking unfair advantage of their brains. † They live a simple average life, like everybody else in 2081! 2. What is the meaning of the last words of the Bergeron’s, â€Å"that one was a doozy†? Think Hazel is talking about the noise in the ears of her husband, meaning this one the sound was â€Å"extraordinaire†, incredible! The noise in George's ears is made so unbearable so that he won't be able to concentrate on his child's death, and when Hazel told him after that â₠¬Å"Gee – I could tell that one was a doozy,† he answers â€Å"You can say that again†. But she doesn't understand, so she thinks he wants her to repeat it again, so she does! 3. In real life, what ways do we try to make people equal? Does it work to make people equal, or just to make them alike? Why do you think we use these methods? Are they effective? By going to school for example, just so people can have equal chances in life. As for physical flaws and imperfections, there's always plastic surgery! But it's of no use! I my opinion, I think it just helps people feel better, just by believing that so they can be just like everybody else, what with all the women willing to look like their favorite actress†¦ It doesn't help at all, and in the contrary it can only make one people inferior to the person he want to copy! . Consider the characters of Hazel and George. Why isn't Hazel handicapped? It’s obvious that Hazel isn't handicapped because she is already born handicapped, so there's no need to handicap her in a artificial way just like her husband! And I think that if not for the handicap stuff he is obliged to wear, George would have married her in the first place! 5. To what extent do television, radio, and the mass media generally function like George's mental handicap radio? | I think that governments use all these stuffs to prevent us from really look under the surface of what they do! Everyday we're so drowned over so many TV shows, there's always something new to see on internet, something to download, and the radio is continually functioning, how can one really concentrate on what is important with these never-ending stuffs? How can one think properly? And you're said you must learn more, you must work harder to achieve your goals and live a good life, but meanwhile life is passing by, and you can't even profit of it while you're still young. One day you wake up, and you're old! And it's too late.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Animal Cruelty Essay

To bring awareness to my audience about animal cruelty. Introduction: As humanity has grown, there has been an increase in authority and rules and regulations of everyday life. One of these rules is animal cruelty. Animal cruelty simply means cruel unjustified treatment of animals and sometimes pets to unnecessary harm and pain. One principal type of animal cruelty is torture. It is not ethical, moral, or legal but we humans do it.. One of the places we see the most animal cruelty is in the circuses. Animals in circuses are regularly and dangerously exposed to many abuses and diseases. Circuses do not practice what they preach and indulge in animal cruelty on a regular basis, after the training sessions of the circuses, tight collars, whips; beatings and torture are the order of the day for these animals. Elephants are one of the animals that suffer from major diseases in the circuses like tuberculosis and can infect humans with the bacterial disease. Some cases show that the elephants were not cured medically for wounds caused during beatings and other natural causes. Circuses have known to keep a large amount of soil ready, to hide the wounds and the blood on the elephants. Some elephants have also suffered from lameness, arthritis and food abscesses. Elephant deaths in circuses are normally caused due to osteoporosis. Elephants suffer from Osteoporosis simply because they do not have wide spaces to move around. Due to the cruel treatments, it has been proved that circus animals are dying at a higher rate than they are breeding. Circuses teach children that it’s acceptable to abuse and mistreat animals for amusement Another animal cruelty is with dogs, people seem to think that fighting is a dog’s nature. Dogs are not the same as humans, but dogs do feel physical pain. Just because a dog can’t say â€Å"That hurts! † doesn’t mean they don’t feel pain. Dogs also suffer from feelings such as loneliness when left chained. That’s why they howl and bark, to try and get some attention and if they are ignored dogs stops howling, it’s because he’s given up hope. So much cruelty is involved in dogfighting. Dogs are tortured to make them violent. Kittens and puppies are used as bait to teach dogs to kill. Illegal drugs and weapons are usual at dogfights. Fighting dogs usually live on chains their whole lives. Other animal cruelty we see is when they make experiments on animals, like monkeys, mouse, gineapigs etc. Monkeys and others animals do not have identical immune systems as humans, and may not respond to drugs or vaccines in the same way. Animals are often depressed alternatives for humans, and some mixtures that may well cause no harm to an animal, could seriously harm a human being. Also, a drug that is toxic to the animal it is tested on may have no toxicity, and even healing benefits in humans. Pain and suffering still occur, and simply being in captivity can cause great distress to animals, just as it would to a human. We most of the times forget the pain and suffering we are causing to animals, we use them as objects of study, rather than live creatures, and this can mean they are treated as disposable rather than indispensable.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Speed Dating Practice Conversation

Speed Dating Practice Conversation This lesson plan focuses on conversational practice to encourage English learners to use a wide variety of language functions such as demanding explanations, making complaints, giving warning, etc. The activity used is a variation on the popular practice of speed dating. In this exercise, students speed date each other to practice role plays calling for chunks or phrases used for each situation. This type of approach to teaching is based on the lexical approach or the chunks of language we tend to use to speak about certain situations. Speed Dating Lesson Plan Aim: Practicing a wide variety of language functions Activity: Speed Dating Role Play Level: Intermediate to Advanced Outline: Go through a variety of situations calling for specific language functions asking questions like:What would you do if your boss refused to give you a raise?How do you react when someone gives you a compliment?If someone asks you to a party, but you dont want to go, what do you say?Take time to review various language functions such as contrasting ideas, disagreeing, being vague, etc.Arrange the tables in your classroom so that students can change seats quickly. Assign half of your students to remain seated, the other half should move over one chair for each round.Give students the role-play sheet. Assign seated students role ​A or ​B and moving students the remaining role.Start the first speed dating role play. Let students role play the situation for one minute and then say stop.Ask the moving students to switch to the next partner. It helps if students move in one direction. For example, ask students to rotate in a clockwise manner.For the next round, ask students to switch roles i.e. seated students now take role B and moving students take role A. Continue on through the ten role-plays.As a class, discuss phrases used for the various situations. Take note of the helpful phrases and forms on the board for students to use in the next round.Ask students to create five or ten of their own short role-plays.Use the new situation role-plays to play another round of speed dating role-play. Example Speed Dating Role Plays A: Complain to the store manager that your food is cold and inedible.B: Respond to the complaint and explain that the dish the customer bought is supposed to be eaten cold, rather than heated.A: Invite your partner to a party next weekend and insist that he/she attends.B: Try to say no nicely. Be vague in making an excuse for not begin able to come.A: Youve been having difficulties finding a job. Ask your partner for help.B: Listen patiently and make suggestions based on questions you ask about your partners skills and experience.A: State your opinion about the benefits of globalization.B: Firmly disagree with your partner, pointing out various problems caused by globalization.A: Your child comes home after midnight on Tuesday night. Demand an explanation.B: Apologize, but explain why it was necessary for you to stay out so late.A: Explain the difficulties youve been having finding the restaurant Good Eats.B: Explain that Good Eats has closed. Find out what type of food your partner likes and make suggestions based on his / her response. A: Decide on a plan for Saturday with your partner.B: Disagree with most of your partners suggestions and counter with your own suggestions.A: Ask for information on an important political event. Keep asking questions even if your partner is unsure.B: You dont know anything about politics. However, your partner insists on your opinion. Make educated guesses.A: Your partner has just walked into your electronics store. Make suggestions on what he/she can buy.​B: Youd like to buy something at an electronics store.A: Ask your partner out on a date.B: Say no nicely. Try to not hurt his/her feelings.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Map Content to Your Marketing Funnel to Boost Conversions

How to Map Content to Your Marketing Funnel to Boost Conversions Here’s the problem: You’ve created an excellent website, but no one is buying. Or maybe you’ve written an awesome blog post, and it hasn’t done anything to drive conversions. You review your marketing funnel and realize the content you’ve created focuses on one section of your funnel and leaves out the others. This creates a gap that your prospects can â€Å"leak† out from and cause you to miss potential revenue. Whats the solution? Mapping out content ideas on your editorial calendar, and aligning them with each stage of the funnel. This way, you can present potential customers with the right message, at the right time, to encourage more purchases. At , we saw this in action when we used the following framework to help us create an email drip campaign that increased our conversions by 69.77%. In this post, we’ll walk you through exactly what a marketing funnel is and how to map your content to your funnel. We’ll also walk you how to develop messaging and show you how to choose best types of content to deliver those messages at each stage in the funnel. How to Map Content to the Marketing Funnel and Boost Conversions By 69.77% via @Download Your Marketing Funnel Content Mapping Template This easy-to-use spreadsheet will help you sort the content you’ve already created and assign it to stages in your funnel. Plus, you’ll also easily be able to see where the gaps in your content are so you can map new content to prevent those leaks. This content, in turn, will guide your audience all the way through the funnel. Before we launch into how to map out your marketing funnel, there are a few terms you should keep in mind. Marketing Funnel: The journey that customers take from being completely unaware of a brand to purchasing their products. Content Mapping:  A process where you decide what content is most appropriate for a person at a given time. TOFU/MOFU/BOFU: Each of these acronyms refers to the parts of the funnel. The top of the funnel (TOFU), middle of the funnel (MOFU), and bottom of the funnel (BOFU). Discovery:  Your customers are just beginning to understand what your brand is about. They are experiencing some pain point in their life, and they aren’t sure how to fix it. Consideration:  They are now aware that there are solutions to the problem they are facing and that your brand offers one. What they don’t know is that your brand provides the best solution to their problems. Purchase:  They know about your solution and think you are the best option, but they need one last little shove over the line to buy your product.What exactly does the marketing funnel look like, anyway?Why Is Understanding The Marketing Funnel Important? Understanding how your customers flow through your marketing funnel is essential to make sure that it does its job. Here’s an infographic that gives you a little more information. Why is it important to understand how the marketing funnel works?The fact of the matter is that people don't move through the funnel in a linear process. So, you'll need to have content that reaches your audience at whatever stage they're at. 5 Marketing Funnel Examples Marketing funnels can come in all shapes and sizes. They will change a bit based on the company that created them, so here are six examples to look at. The Marketing Funnel The funnel is built in five stages and looks like this: Moz Marketing Funnel Moz’s  marketing funnel looks like this. Single Grain Marketing Funnel The Single Grain marketing funnel  looks a little like the Moz funnel, but it breaks down into three parts instead of four. Crazy Egg Sales Funnel The Crazy Egg sales funnel  looks a little different than all the other marketing funnels. In this example, theirs is mapped out based on the pages they’ve created to address customer needs at each stage of the funnel. Where the other examples are more theoretical, this one shows how a website might be structured to move customers down the funnel. Neil Patel’s Conversion Funnel Neil Patel’s conversion funnel  resembles more of a bow-tie and looks like this. If you want to learn more about different sales funnels and how they work check out this video from a CMWorld talk by Andrew Davis. Determine Who Your Target Audience Is Before you dive into your funnel, you need to  define your audience persona. Why is knowing your target audience so important? Because if you don’t know who you’re talking to,  you can’t craft the right messages  that will help them move through your funnel. So what is an audience persona,  and how can you create one? An audience persona is: A document that details your target audience’s who, what, when, where, and why. It also includes general demographic information such as gender, job title, job function, business size, team size, needs, pain points, and challenges. To build  your marketing persona, you need to be able to answer the following questions: What pain points are your potential customers experiencing? Where do they live and work? What gender are they? What hobbies do they enjoy? You can gather that information by sending a survey through social media or email. You can create a survey  using services like Survey Monkey  or Poll Daddy.  Once you have your data collected format your information into an audience persona statement.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"[INSERT YOUR BRAND] creates content to help and inform [INSERT DEMOGRAPHIC] so they can [INSERT ACTION] better.† Recommended Reading: How To Find Your Target Audience With A Marketing Persona How To Map Content To Your Marketing Funnel The marketing funnel goes by many names, but the core of each one is still the same. At , our marketing funnel looks like this: How much content should marketers create at each stage of the funnel?Now, you usually would want a customer to flow through the marketing funnel from top to bottom. However, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes your customers can enter in at a different point of the funnel besides the top. If you don’t have content throughout the funnel that helps guide your customers to the bottom, they will most likely get frustrated and leave. So how can you ensure that there is content in each phase of your funnel? You can do this by mapping out each phase and assigning content to it. As we’ve mentioned,  there are three phases to the marketing funnel. At ,  we’ve broken each of down into  different subcategories, too. Here’s what our stages look like. Discovery In the Discovery phase of your marketing funnel, your customers know  absolutely nothing about your brand. The end goal of this phase is to have people learn more about your company. Your content should slowly guide your customers to the conclusion that while they can solve their problem themselves, your product will make it easier. Some recommended content types for this phase of the marketing funnel are: Blog posts Podcasts Infographics Social media posts Videos Microsites Guides Before you decide what  types of content that you’re going to create for this phase of the funnel,  you need to determine the messages you’ll send. Unaware Phase The unaware phase is the very top part of your marketing funnel. At ,  we define this phase as: These prospects haven't identified a pain or a solution. They may have stumbled across a link to our blog or website within a piece they were reading, met us at an event, or saw an industry ad. Another possibility is that something we published piqued their curiosity. You can use this definition or you can come up with your own. After you have your definition set, record it in your template: The message that needs to be delivered to your audience in this phase of the funnel should be about solving a problem or answering a question they might research. They’re reading your content for a reason. That problem may or may not be directly solvable by your product, but it should be something that your target audience cares about. In this phase, you’re trying to  get their attention and  show  them they can trust you. Define the message you want your content to send in the unaware section and record it in your template: If you’ve already written marketing content, how do you know if it falls into the unaware category? Ask yourself these two questions: Does this content relate broadly to your audience’s interests  (not just your product)? Does this address a potential pain point? If the answer to both is yes, you can categorize it as top of the funnel/ unaware content. The last section of your template that needs to be filled in is the example section and the expectations that your unaware content needs to meet: RExamples of Unaware Content From The Blog: How to Write a Powerful Case Study Fast With 35 Examples Red Bull Marketing Strategy: What You Need to Know (And How to Copy It) Pain Aware Phase The next phase of this process is the pain aware phase. This is where your customer realizes there is a problem that needs to be fixed. We define this stage as: These prospects feel pain of some kind, but don't know of a solution. They have identified an issue/challenge with their existing process, and are actively looking for information to help them fix it. Add your definition to your template. The message you need to deliver in this  phase is: You can identify the problem and you will teach them how to fix it. The difference between the pain aware stage and the unaware stage is that the problem you are looking to solve for your reader directly ties into your product. To identify if your previously written content fits the pain aware stage, ask yourself the following: Are you addressing a specific problem that your product solves? Are you teaching them how to solve this problem? If the answer is yes, you can file that content under pain aware. Add in the expectations your pain aware content needs to meet as well as any examples that you may have. Examples of Pain Aware Content From The Blog: How to Increase Marketing Efficiency With Content Workflows How To Build The Best Social Media Promotion Schedule For Your Content Solution Aware Phase The solution aware phase of your marketing funnel is when your potential customer realizes that there are products out there that may help solve their problem. The definition we use at is: These prospects feel a specific pain and just discovered there are solutions for it. They have hit the point of frustration where they actively seek solutions to help. They know tools are designed to help them solve the problem. Use ’s definition or create your own and add it to your template. The message that needs to be delivered for this phase should be targeted toward  showing your customer that there are solutions that solve their problem  (including your product). They could take care of the problem by themselves by implementing your advice. However, your product will make it even easier. Decide what message you want to send during the solution aware phase of your content and record it in your template. Now, if you’re trying to categorize solution aware content for your funnel, here are the questions to ask: Are you addressing your product category directly? Are you showing customers what to look for in the solution they’re searching for? Are you positioning your product against others? If you answered yes to those questions, you can fill that piece of content under the solution aware category. Identify the expectations that your solution aware content needs to meet as well as examples of solution aware content that you’ve already created. Examples of Solution Aware Content From The Blog: How To Plan A Marketing Calendar That Actually Works The Best 2018 Content Calendar Template to Get Organized All Year Consideration Once your potential customers are out of the discovery phase of your funnel, they move on to the consideration phase. At this point, they are aware of your organization and are actively thinking about purchasing your product. Now you need to convince them that your product is the best one out there. Some recommended content types for this phase of your funnel are: Case studies Trials Demos Product video Product Aware Phase In the product aware phase of your marketing funnel, your customer is finally aware that your product is the solution that they’ve been looking for. At we define this phase as: These prospects are learning our product is a solution to the pain. They may be trialing and comparing different tools to ultimately choose the best one that will solve their pain. Decide on your definition and record it in your template. The message that needs to be delivered to your potential customers at this point in the funnel is that while other products could solve their problem, yours is the best option. Based on that information, decide what kind of message you need to deliver with your product aware content and record it in your template. If you are trying to decide if your existing content fits into this format, ask yourself the following: Are you directly positioning your product as the best solution to their problem? Are you showing them how your product works? Are you emphasizing what makes your product stand out? The last step for your product aware phase is deciding what expectations your product aware content needs to meet and examples of product aware content you’ve created. Examples of Product Aware Content From The Blog: What Is The Best Social Media Scheduling Tool On The Market? How to Overcome Makeshift Marketing: The Buyer's Guide Purchase The last phase of your marketing funnel is the purchase phase. At this point, your customer should be ready to convert to buying your product. They may just need that extra push to get there. Some recommended content types to create at this stage of the funnel are: Sales page Webinars Customer stories Pricing pages Testimonials Reviews Most Aware Phase This is the final subcategory of your marketing funnel. At this point, your customers are the most aware of your product and are ready to purchase. We define this phase as: These prospects are learning that our product is the best solution to the pain. They love our product in comparison to the other tools available to solve the pain and are looking for options to purchase. They are deciding which plan fits them best and how it works in their budget. Define what most aware phase means for your marketing team and record it in your template. The message that your audience needs to hear at this point is reaffirming their decision to trust your product and possibly see how others in their position have loved their choice. Using that information, highlight what message your most aware content needs to send to your audience. If you’re trying to decide if the content you’ve already written fits this phase, answer the following questions: Are you providing them with in-depth info about how your product works? Are you explaining your different pricing options or product lines? Do you include testimonials from other customers about your product? Finally,  identify the expectations your most aware content needs to meet and include examples of most aware content you’ve already created. Examples of Most Aware Content From The Blog: How To Pitch Using To Organize Your Marketing To Your Boss From Spreadsheets to : How to Make the Transition Successfully Using Your Marketing Funnel Template To Map Content Now that you know what makes up your marketing funnel,  you can move on to the very last piece:  filling in the content gaps in your funnel. Using your template,  fill in the content name, the URL (if applicable), the publish date,  and the stage in the funnel your content is in. Use the questions listed earlier in this post to determine which phase of the funnel your content belongs in. Once you have everything sorted, you may have your funnel stages listed out of order like this: You can sort your content by stages in the funnel by selecting column A on your spreadsheet. Click Data and then sort: Select â€Å"Continue with the current selection†: Make sure that you sort by column A: Click OK  and you should be good to go: Now you can track your content this way, or you can make it even easier and track, organize,  and publish your content with . Our marketing calendar has several organization features that will help you map your content to the funnel. Recommended Reading: Marketing Calendar By : A Centralized View For All Your Marketing Efforts Using Tags and Color Labels to Label Content and Funnel Stages in Tags in   can help you sort and label your content quickly and easily. To use them, select the piece of content on your calendar and click Tag in the upper left-hand corner: Type in the tag name and you’re good to go. You can also use the filter in your calendar to sort by tags. Choose the funnel in the upper left-hand corner, scroll down to Tags and select the tag you want to sort by: You can also sort and organize content using Color Labels. Color labels allow you to assign specific color codes to your content and sort your content types according to what color they are. To use them, go to the settings portion of your calendar and scroll down to Color Labels. Each color code will need its own label. The best part is that with Custom Color Labels, you can always create more: Once you have your labels built, go back to your primary calendar and select or create a piece of content. In your content, you’ll see a little white circle. Your color labels will appear, and you can select which one fits the content best: You can sort your calendar by Color Labels as well by going back up to your funnel and scrolling down to Labels. Go Create Awesome Content For Any Phase In The Funnel Now you know how your marketing funnel should work and how to solve the gaps in your funnel with content that helps increase conversions. Work with your entire marketing team to brainstorm what’s next and constantly adjust your material based on what’s working for your customers and what isn’t. Then, when you’re ready to get into the planning and execution phase of your content,  start a free trial  or schedule a demo  with . See how our marketing calendar can help you get and stay organized as well as sort all your content by marketing funnel stages. Do you have a different funnel that is creating success for your marketing team? Tell us about it in the comments below.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Impact of Brand Personality on the Purchasing Decision Research Paper

Impact of Brand Personality on the Purchasing Decision - Research Paper Example During this period there were explosion of brands. Starting from mere cigarettes and soaps to luxury cars, a number of brands appeared which led human being to witness the modern form of marketing. Understanding the manner in which those marketing concepts evolved, will help to get better idea about why branded products are omnipresent nowadays. If we move back to the time when the concept of branding was unknown to human being, the theory of business was also very simple. The only criterion for being successful in trading was to manufacture superior quality products. For instance, if a company offered high quality coffee, bear or any other products, the customers were happy to buy those products. Moreover as long as the company maintained the same quality, repeat purchase was also common. It was also a time when consumers were more focused on the quality of products rather than the brand name associated with it. The report will primarily highlight the concepts of branding and the id eas related to it. In this context brand personality, brand value etc will be emphasized. Furthermore the importance and advantages of a brand will be also portrayed. The study will also analyze one of my recent purchases of a branded product. Finally the study will conclude highlighting the key areas and answering the question whether consumers often choose and use brands that have a brand personality or not. Brand & Brand Equity Traditionally the role of a brand was just about providing a name or an identity to the product (Baehrens, 2012). However presently eminent scholars such as De Mozota defined brand as the group of perceptions which is determined by both experience and communication. It can also be referred to as the addition of the characteristics of intangible and tangible which is used to make exclusive offers (DeMozota, 2003, Brand). A brand influences the perception of the customers about the company and therefore brands should be developed for its betterment (Adebola, Talabi, & Lamidi, 2012, pp.424-428). In addition, branding is also portrayed as the way by which an organization develops and delivers the propositions to the consumers. Nevertheless the assurance can be in the context of experimental enrichment, functional satisfaction or fulfillment of the aspirations (Baker, 2012, p.376). Usually, a brand is developed on the basis of 5 factors. They are design, positioning, customer relationship, storytelling and price (Healey, 2008, p.8). Some of the illustrious branded products are Nescafe, Marlboro-Clove, Kindle, Gucci, Apple, Samsung and Turtle among many others. In the similar approach brand value has also been identified as the biggest asset of the companies. It can be defined as extra cash flow earned by relating a brand with the goods and services (Aaker & Biel, 1993, p.69). Brand Personality Brand personality in simple terms can be defined as the way by which a brand speaks or how it behaves. It is process by which a brand is assigned w ith the human characteristics or personality traits with the brand in order to achieve some kind of differentiation to the product. These characteristics in turn signify the brand behavior with the help of its representatives. The representatives of a brand are the employees of the organization and packaging & advertisements of the company.

Friday, November 1, 2019

HPV in women Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

HPV in women - Research Paper Example HPV in women Direct skin contact with an HPV infected person is the main way through which genital HPV occurs. The contact areas are the anal, vaginal, and oral sex. The diverse categories of HPV are responsible for the formation of genital warts on the skin. Genital warts are hard and usually rough lumps that become visible on the skin of a sick person. Any sexually active person is prone to acquire the virus and the genital warts. The genital warts in women predominantly appear around or inside the vagina, around or inside the anus, on the vulva, on the groin and on the cervix (Monsonego 37). Classification and morphology The human papilloma viruses are heterogeneous in nature. They affect both the mucosal epithelial tissues and the skin. Besides, they are hugely responsible for causing the cervical carcinogenesis. According to the results of the studies in molecular biology, more than one hundred genotypes of the virus exist in humans. The virus falls under two classifications mai nly the low risk HPV (LR-HPV and the high risk HPV (HR-HPV). The low risk HPV is predominant in squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSILs) with low grades and the benign lesions. Meanwhile, the high risk HPV includes the HPV-16 and HPV-18. Other high-risk HPV types include HPV-31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 55, 56, 58, 66, 68, and 70 (Evans and Kaslow 602). The high risk HPV has 80 to 90 per cent prevalence rate in cervical cancer and the squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs). In the morphological dimension, the genome of the papilloma virus is covalently circular and closed. Its DNA is double stranded and has a measurement of about 8kbp. All the genes of the papilloma virus are coded in the strands that define DNA. Through this, it utilizes the alternative DNA strand to splice the expression of individual gene. The expression of the papilloma virus has a characteristic of large mRNAs array of cells that code for diverse gene types. Additionally, the HPV has a diameter of 55nm (Evans and Kaslow 602). Molecular Biology and Replication Strategy The HPV contamination begins with the infection of the host cell. This promotes the discharge of the virus from the nucleus. As this happens, there are interactions of many cellular transcription factors. These interactions occur with the viral regulatory region (LRC) that does not code. As a result, the two HPV-16 begin to transcript and transforms earlier genes of E6 and E7. Consequently, the proteins that continue to transform interact with the cellular antioncogenic regulator p53. This action results in the disruption of the cell cycle. The cell cycle is under the regulation of the complexes of cyclin dependent kinases (CDKs) and the cyclins (Evans and Kaslow 692). The CDK complexes always inhibit the action of the cyclin. It is a condition for cells to pass the restriction point of G1 in order for the progression of the cell cycle (Evans and Kaslow 692). Retinoblastoma pockets bacteria, RB, p 107, and p 130 are the one s that regulate this process. There is only an indication in the RB leaving the other pocket proteins with the same functions and activities. In essence, they inactivate and bind up the E2F transcription factors. This leads to the inducement of the S phase genes expression that will trigger a mitogenic signal. This signal leads to the activation of the cyclin D1-CDK6 and cyclin D1-CDK4 complexes. The result of this is the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Effects of Information Systems on Decision-Making Process Research Paper

Effects of Information Systems on Decision-Making Process - Research Paper Example Influence of internet in the decision making process â€Å"When it comes to driving consumer decisions about a range of products and services, the Internet is by far the most influential media channel† (Hillard & Harris, 2010). People explore details on in internet before they take most of their purchasing decisions. Since internet has reduced the distance between people and place, it is possible for a consumer staying India to purchase a product from America or Europe. So they will compare the prices of a product in domestic market and international market before taking decisions about whether to purchase that product from domestic market or international market. Moreover, people take purchasing decisions after analyzing the product reviews published on internet. For example, iPhones and Samsung Galaxy S2 are fast moving cellphones in the market at present. People rely heavily on internet to read the reviews of these products from internet before taking their purchasing decis ions. â€Å"Internet users report that online resources not only allow them to quickly and easily compare options, but also to seek out expert and peer advice that enables them to act with greater confidence†(McRoberts, 2010). ... For example, today, many of the Americans were asked to work in China on deputation in order to help their organizations to establish its business units there. Before taking a decision about whether to proceed to China or not, these people search the internet to know more about the political, social and professional climate in China. Before advancing further in education, teenagers leaving from schools will often search internet to decide about the courses they wanted to study in colleges. It is not necessary that all the courses offered in a college have equal job potentials. So people often search internet to know more about the job potentials of certain course before taking decisions about whether to accept it or not. Internet can advise people in taking their healthcare decisions also. For example, keloid is a severe skin problem which occurs due to repeated injuries at a particular portion. Even though surgical removal of keloid is possible, the chances of reoccurrence are immen se. There are other therapies also for keloid like laser treatments, radiation therapy etc. However, all these treatments have some kind of side effects. A person suffering from keloid can search internet to know more about the pros and cons of each keloid treatment before opting for a particular treatment. In other words, internet can help people in taking decisions about using certain drugs or therapies for removing some of their health problems. Internet can help a person to plan his journey properly. â€Å"Internet can now be used to inquire about the flight timings and delays which make it easier to plan for the departure time† (Effect of Internet on our daily lives, 2008).

Monday, October 28, 2019

Stereotypes of women in the play Essay Example for Free

Stereotypes of women in the play Essay Woman in Aeschylus’s Agamemnon are perceived as untrustworthy and ignorant characters. The role of women in ancient Greek life, was considered to be insignificant compared to that of Greek men. And yet, in tragedies, women were often written as major characters, revealing insights on how women were treated and thought of in society. Many well-known Greek plays contain several well-written, complex, female characters. Each female character takes upon herself, the role of villain, the role of victim, and the role of heroine. Drama and theatre in the ancient Greek world expresses the communities’ concerns in regards to their ambitions, fears, hope and their deepest sympathy. In Greek drama, playwrights often included pivotal female roles, despite the fact that the cast was strictly male. The role of women in ancient Greek life is deemed irrelevant compared to that of Greek men, however, in tragedies, women are often written as major characters, revealing important insights on the perceptions and treatment of women in society. For a woman to possess qualities such as leadership and strength is not typical, in fact it is seen as masculine and un-ladylike. Many Greek plays contain several complex female characters; Aeschylus is a playwright whom incorporates a very complex female character, Clytemnestra in his play Agamemnon. Although Clytemnestra is one of the most recognizable and noted female villains due to her involvement in the murder of her husband and his concubine, one can argue that her actions are justifiable. Whether her vengeful actions are triggered by the death of her daughter Iphigenia, her love for Aegisthus or the jealousy of her husband’s mistress Cassandra, either is motive enough to make her turn to evil. There is a quote made by the chorus that suggest evidence that women are incompetent and over emotional for leadership, It is very like a woman in command to concede gratitude before the facts appear: too ready to persuade, a female ranges beyond her boundary, quick to move; but doom is quick for rumour when a woman spreads it, and it is destroyed. (483-487) With these words, the Chorus expresses a stereotyped view of women as emotional and irrational. From my reading of the play as a whole, I asked myself the question did the female characters in the play actually live up to this stereotype? As I pondered upon this I knew the answer was No. The women in this play are fierce and merciless, and do as they wish. Even though they have a dark cloud of gender prejudice overhead they go against this and stand above all. As for the male characters, their are clearly some who are very rational and dont get their hopes up too early; both the Watchman and the Herald seem to fit this description. Based on the way all of the characters in the play are depicted I personally think Aeschylus does not agrees with the Choruss opinion of women. Just like many explore argumentative themes, Aeschulus decided to explore gender inequalities and hierarchies in a time when this topic was importantly relevant. In a patriarchal society like that of ancient Greece, it would be pretty hard to have a play with a fearsome female villain like Clytemnestra and not have the issue of gender play a prominent role. At many points in Agamemnon, we hear characters utter stereotyped views about women, but it isnt clear how much Aeschylus endorses these. For example, the Chorus frequently remarks on how women are irrational and dont pay attention to the facts. The Chorus members intend this as a criticism of Clytemnestra, but do we really see her being irrational or making factual mistakes? Evil though it is, Clytemnestras murder plot definitely required careful (i. e. , rational) planning, and she was right about the signal fire from Troy, which the Chorus doubted. Also, the Chorus is majorly wrong in mistaking the appearance of Clytemnestra for what it really means, when they cant believe she will be Agamemnons killer. Clytemnestras actions do, however bear out another cultural stereotype in the play: that women are untrustworthy. (Of course, it could also be said that Agamemnon is untrustworthy, since he sacrificed his own daughter. ) At the end of the play, when the Chorus makes fun of Aegisthus by calling him a woman for not going to war and using deception to get back at Agamemnon, does this question or reinforce stereotypes? Absolutely. There is many similarities between Aeschules’s Play on gender inequality and stereotyping and experiences of those of the 1950’s. The role of women in the 1950 was repressive and constructive in many ways. Society placed high importance and many expectations on behavior at home as well as in public. Women were supposed to fulfill certain roles, such as a caring mother, a diligent homemaker, and a obedient wife. The mother was supposed to stay at home and nurture so society would accept them. The basics of the inept woman were: the woman driver, the over-spender who cannot budget, and the basic downfall of man. This all ties back to the women in Agamemnon, despite the male characters never ending humility and doubtfulness of intelligence the women, there is a strong prevalence and honor for the female sex among woman. Here is a poignant example of strong clystamnestras femininity†¦ I cried out my joy long ago, when the first night-messenger of fire came telling of Ilions capture and destruction. And someone said in reproof, Have beacon-watchers persuaded you to think that Troy is now ransacked? Truly like a woman to let her heart be lifted! Words such as those made me seem astray; nevertheless I went on sacrificing, and people in all parts of the city shrilled cries of joy in womens custom, in grateful triumph, lulling the fragrant flame that devoured their sacrifice at the gods seats. And now, for the longer account, what need have you to give it me? I shall learn the whole story from my lord himself; and I must hasten to give my revered husband the best of welcomes now he has come back. For what light of day is sweeter to a wife to see than this, with the gates opened up when god has brought back her husband safely from campaign? Take this message away to my husband, to come as soon as possible; he is the citys beloved darling. As to his wife, I wish he may find her when he comes just as faithful in his home as the one he left behind, the houses watch-dog to him while hostile to ill-wishers, and similar in everything else, with no seal broken in the length of time; and I know no more of pleasure from another man, nor talk of blame, than I do of dipping bronze. There you have my boast; its fullness with the truth makes it no shame for a woman of my nobility to proclaim. (587-614)| | I’ve quoted this entire long speech by Clytemnestra because of the sheer wealth of conflicting images of femininity it offers. At the beginning of the speech, we see her offering a counterargument to the sexist stereotypes presented by the Chorus in the previous quotation. Contrary to how they claim women typically behave, Clytemnestra says that she was right about the fact that Agamemnon was coming home, and so hadnt gotten her hopes up for no reason. She drives this point home by saying that she doesnt want to hear any more secondhand information, but will wait to hear what her husband has to say when he gets home. For the rest of the speech, she interweaves various ideas of traditional femininity, pointing out how much she loves her husband, and how faithful she has been to him while he was gone. Aeschylus’s Greek tragedy, Agamemnon stereotypes of women in the play are quite evident. There is no rug sweeping of this topic at all, instead the reader is greeted with this issue at the beginning of the play. It seems like every male character especially the chorus are brash on the females and encounter them is unworthy, unintelligent and forgetful subhuman. Male characters in Agamemnon do not in the slightest take anything women say seriously and believe the right place for them in caring for baby and the home, similarity to that of the stereotypical housewife of the 1950’s. To much astonishment the women in the play prevail against all preconceptions about them. Probably the most is Clytamnestra, who killed her husband because he sacrificed her beloved daughter to succeed his army. Clytamnestra was a strong woman and never apologized for what she did, but admitted to it with dignity and honor. Women of Agamemnon serve as a fine example to the idea that even though women might be placed in a situation that has placed in a unfair hierarchy of gender, we women must triumph and overcome biases just like our sisters have done for millenniums; we must be brave and endure so we can succeed and show that we can do and be just about anything.